* The Place Where You Will Work
The first thing is to specify a location where you will do your work. This location can be as simple as your normal office with the door shut and desk cleaned. If it's not possible then you can do your work in library.
* The Time You Require To Complete
Your Work
the second thing and doing productive work is to know that how much time you will require to do your work and this will help you to manage your time.
* The Rules Followed By You To Complete Your Work
The third thing in your work is to follow some rules that will help you to do your work. For example ; if you are goal is to prepare for exams then you need to devote some minutes in revising while other remaining time can be used in writing what you had revised.
* Support Needed By Your Brain
The fourth thing you need to follow in your productive work is to ensure your brain gets a support it needs to keep operating. For example, if you are about to start your work then you can start with a cup of coffee or have a good food before doing you work or you can do light exercise like stretching or walking.