Should You Start A Business Related Iron-Rod Building?
If you want to start business related to steel manufacturing then you can start it because as but Indian steel Association (ISA) the steel demand will grow. This growth is offered by India's comparatively low per capita steel consumption and the expected rise in consumption is due to the increase in infrastructure construction and thriving automobile and railways sectors.
In the above we had seen that demand for iron will increase and now it is the right time to start a business related to iron or steel manufaturing which is our Iron-Rod Building and in the below I had told you that how can you start your business related to iron rod building.
How to start a business related to iron-rod building ?
1) Establish a manufacturing process and work out the tentative Capex. This is followed by TEFR and Project report prepared by a qualified steel consultancy company particularly if
large Capex is needed 10-10000 crores depending on what you want to do. In steel business large Capex involves typically Rs 50-100 crores. And it can go upto several thousand crores for green field Integrated Steel plants Get loan approved at low interest rates from Banks or other sources. Get the project executed using a well qualified team which should preferably work in the plant but not essential Time frame 2-4 years for Large Capex 1-2 years for small projects If you can do all the above please go ahead and all the best. But don't do anything in half measures in setting up manufacturing companies unless you are willing to stay in this business life long and your next generation is getting groomed to take over.